Generosity is a sign of a heart transformed. In Acts 2 we see that as the early believers began to gather, their lives were different from those around them, marked by among other things, being Indulgent with their possessions (Acts 2:45). As followers of Jesus we’re to hold our possessions loosely, recognizing we own nothing.
We’re not only transformed by God giving the greatest gift, but living a generous life continues the transformation in the following ways:
First, when we give we ensure things aren’t becoming an idol in our lives. In talking about money, Jesus said we can’t serve two masters, alluding to money. When we give, we ensure money is a tool to be used for the Kingdom, not an idol to be worshipped.
Second, our generosity is viewed as a sacrifice that is welcomed and pleasing to the Father, connecting our hearts to Him. When the Christians living in Philippi had given gifts of money to help others, Paul described it as “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God” (Philippians 4:18).
Third, generosity allows us to invest in eternal things. God doesn’t need our money. The Psalmist wrote that the cattle on a thousand hills (money with skin on) belong to God. But God allows us to be a part of what He is doing in others (and as mentioned in #1, what he’s doing in us) when we give. There’s nothing wrong with spending money on things here, we need food, we need clothing, we want to sleep indoors. But when give we get to participate in changing the eternities of countless people.